Posted by : YoWorkers

Your business is unique. How can we help you?

You can search in your local city if there is banks that gives this service. In my home town they ask for tons of papers and references. And a minimum deposit from USD$ 2000,00 to even USD$ 10000,00 (Yes, you read it right, ten thousands!).
I don’t think this is the best way.

¿But Why Do you need a US Bank Account?
If you are selling online, you know how expensive and time consuming is to get your funds in your country. Even if your are selling in a traditional way, getting your funds from customer in US can be very time consuming and costly.
Online service as PayPal offer send checks emailed to you can that can cost anywhere from USD$ 5,00 to USD$ 30,00 which not a big deal if not for the charges that your local bank will take for the international deposit.
But the most important of all problems… the time.
It can take weeks or even months to see your money. Specially if you sell occasionally and your payment service have a high minimum required before send you the checks (PayPal require USD$ 150,00 plus USD$ 12,00 for mailing costs).
Let’s face it.
  • If you use PayPal or EBay to make some money occasionally. You need a US Bank Account.
  • If you have, or want to have, clients in the U.S. You need a US Bank Account.
  • If you want to make serious business in the Internet. You need a US Bank Account.
Now you can open US bank account and use to deposit in your account and receive or withdraw your PayPal, Skrill money in Nepal. or anywhere in the world at ATMs.
Step by step TUTORIALS
How to register

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